It’s awesome to see The City of NV supporting a VERY important cause, just in the nick of time for summer!
On Monday night, North Vancouver City Council made a unanimous decision to allow the five restaurants south of Esplanade to extend their patios into the adjacent parking spaces on Lonsdale Ave.
Allowing increased patio space should be seen as a “long overdue” first step, according to Coun. Craig Keating. “I think this is great. I think we should go further.” Alleys and back lanes could be converted into dining areas, he suggested. Also, a few renovations and a spiral staircase would allow for rooftop dining on many of Lonsdale Avenue’s one-storey restaurants, according to Keating.
Raglans, The District, Burgoo, Anatoli Souvlaki and Gusto Di Quattro are all invited to participate in the pilot project–at their own expense. Should the new patio cover the sidewalk, the restaurant owners must pay the city for a sidewalk extension that would run through the former parking stalls.
Council’s decision was persuaded by a letter signed by all five restaurants supporting increased patio space:
“We feel that an increased focus on pedestrian traffic and outdoor dining would enhance the block,” said the letter.
Indeed. All projects related to patios and patio-awareness are A-OK with us.
The post Lower Lonsdale: patio capital of Vancouver appeared first on Lower Lonsdale.